Wednesday 22 August 2012

A healthy cheesecake!

Who's ready for a healthy cheesecake??

We've all heard that eating raw food is better for you... right?  If you're thinking of going "raw" here are few reasons why raw food is beneficial for your body:

1. Heating food destroys much of the nutrients and enzymes in your food.
2. You feel more energised and sleep better...and also wake up with energy!
3. It helps to give you mental clarity
3. There's less mess to clean up! that's always a bonus
4.  The increased fibre will keep you more regular
5. You get a get a good feeling of satisfaction when you eat food from the earth, especially if you've grown it yourself.

For more detailed reasons to eat raw food look up: Eat Raw

Here is the recipe for the healthy raw blueberry cheesecake

10 reasons to eat raw - zen habits
Recipe and photo: Blueberry cheesecake - raw guru

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